Soleighta FortuneClaim ListingSoleighta FortuneCallEmailAboutRead MoreI am a professional creative filmmaker with 2+ years of experience in the film industry. I am eager to assist with projects to offer my expertise and gain more hands on experience within the industry. My experience in Management has afforded me the ability to maneuver well with others in a team work environment and work on skills that are essential to getting the job done while being in a face paced, ever changing environment where having a positive mindset is key. Skils include: Organizational | Time-Management | Multi-Tasking | Editing | Producing | Directing - Lab Fellow - Wide Angle, Led by Effie T. Brown through Indie Grants (2020-2021) Wrote a working script for feature film, Dearly Departed. Created Look Book and Business Plan for production of project.Credits & Projects·2022: Deception Rules·2022: Deception Rules